5 Black Booties Every Women Needs | Brown Booties

5  Black Booties Every Women Needs | Brown Booties
5  Black Booties Every Women Needs | Brown Booties


5  Black Booties Every Women Needs | Brown Booties

Yeah hi you want to sit with mejust cutie you want to sit with me whileI fill it hi guys it's from sharewhere and luckily swimming with me todayjust cutie hi guys it's from sharewhere and today's video is in my parentsfront yard so if it looks like crazydifferent than most of my other videosit's because I'm in LA right now andwhat better place to film than outsideon a colorful kids blanket in yourparents house but anyway today's videoI'm actually really excited for um thisis a closet close-up video which Ihaven't done in a really long time andit's on black ankle bootsfor those of you who haven't watched mebefore I just want to quickly explainwhat closet close-up is basically it's aseries on my channel where I feature andkind of like zoom in on certain piecesin my wardrobe that I feel like are thebest quality piece in that particularcategory so for example I've done avideo all about teks which I think arethe best ballet flats out of all theflats that I've tried I've done one onJames purse white t-shirts I've done oneon my favorite leather jacket from AllSaints so it's just kind of like aclose-up view of the pieces in my closetwhere I show you the things that Ireally really love and I think arereally high-quality so today's video isall about the black ankle boot which isa piece that I've been on the hunt forfor a really long time I have never beenable find a pair that's flattering onmy foot that's comfortable to walk inthat looks great with a variety ofdifferent outfits I just for some reasonI've had a really tough time finding ashoe that I like and even though I'venever bought a black ankle boot and kindof like worn it around and tested it inthat sense I've tried on so many pairsin stores and I've also like orderedpairs online and then tried them on athome only to end up returning them so Ido feel like I've got a good sense ofwhat's out there and I was just having areally hard time finding somethingwas great quality and kind of up to mystandards so I was doing tons ofresearch and I noticed that one of myfavorite style icons Miranda Kerr keptwearing this pair of boots and I wouldsee it in a lot of her outfits and kindof like her videos that she would dowith like Boggan stuff she would alwaysbe wearing these shoes and so I ended uptrying them on in store and I just fellin love with them and I've had them forabout two to three weeks now and theyare so amazing so I definitely wanted todedicate an entire video on themso yes the shoe is a Saint Laurent theseare the rock chelsea boots from SaintLaurent and I have them just in theblack leather they are so sleek they'rejust like so gorgeous do you just seethe shape and the sleekness of this shoeit's like such a gorgeous design andthen it has kind of a stacked two-inchish heel and it has these kind ofelastic bits at the sides and there's nozipper anywhere it just glides on yourshoe and then the toe is like ever soslightly pointed but not that pointedand guys.

when I try these on they wereso flattering and I just like had totake them home with me they were just sogorgeous and I'm so happy that I boughtthese they're definitely an investmentthese are one of the most expensivethings currently in my closet these wereover $800 US dollars but I kind of wentin knowing that I was going to invest ina shoe like this because it's extremelybasic this is like a basic shoe stapleand I wanted it to last me really longtime I wanted it to be real leather Iwanted the wood to are the heel to bewood and not plasticI had like a pretty high bar that Iwanted these chelsea boots to meet andthese have just like blown me away sowhat's very unique about this shoeversus all other Chelsea bootthat I found is that it it flatters yourfoot and it doesn't make your foot looklike a wide clown foot like so manyChelsea boots that I've tried just makemy legs look really short my feet lookreally fat and my I don't know it justlooks really off but these there'ssomething really slimming about theshape of the toe box and it doesn't feellike it's tight against my feet and Idon't have like the thinnest feet in theworld I would say my feet are prettynormal width wise but there's justsomething about the shape it might be abit about the pointed toe that justmakes your foot look so lean and it'sjust like the most flattering shape everand then the heel height is also reallyreally nice because you can't reallytell that it's um that big of the heeland it's not it's about like two inchesbut it's enough height that it elongatesyour leg and it doesn't kind of cut offyour leg and make it look shorterbecause I found that that was anotheraspect of Chelsea boots that I reallydidn't like in many of the shoes that Itried on it just made my legs lookreally short I think it also has to dowith the shape of it up at the ankle andthe height of this kind of ankle part ofthe shoe it hits out a really niceslimming part of your ankle and it justdoesn't rub like it's just socomfortable and the leather is alreadykind of moulding to my foot I can telland the way it's wearing in after threeweeks is just absolutely beautiful but Ijust want to say like these are socomfortable they didn't require anyamount of time to break in I had zeroblisters when wearing these shoes theleather is just so soft and it's soforgiving the shape around the heel thatlike as long as I was wearing some sortof sock I had zero issues they're socomfortable I could walk around all dayin them and there's no rubbing notugging nothing and I did order these inmy normal European shoe size which is a36 and they fit perfectly I'm not surewhat else I can say about this shoeother than that I think they look sosleek and when they were brand new theylooked incredibly pristine.

But I'mreally excited for how they're going tolook when they're a bit moreroughened up when they've got a bit morewear in them I just think that they'regonna look so worn in but still lookreally gorgeous so I'm really excitedfor kind of like how these look in ayear I think what I'll end up doing isgoing to a shoe cobbler and getting somesort of like rubber sole because thesoul is wood right now and it's wearingdown already because I've been wearingthese like crazy and there's no rubberpadding but I think these will be reallyeasy to maintain if I just go to a shoecobbler once these the soles are worndown I'll be able to kind of get rubbersoles and it'll extend the life of theshoe by a long shot another great thingabout this shoe is that it's really easyto get on and off your foot that'sanother thing that with all the chelseaboots that I tried on a lot of them wereextremely difficult to get on and offjust because most of them don't havezippers and they do come up quite highon the ankle so to get your shoe in andout or to get your foot in and out cansometimes be a challenge and you feellike you're gonna break the shoe liketugging at the heel to get it off yourfoot but these light on and on so on andoff so easily the elastic is the perfectamount of stretch and I don't know itjust must be the way it's constructed itjust feels like your foot can just slipright on in and ride on out with minimaleffort like I just wore these on myflight to LA and I hadn't really givenit much thought that I would be havingto like take my shoes off for TSA andeverything and I was a little stressedlike right before I realized like oh godI forgot I have to actually take myshoes off but it was so easy to justtake these on and off while standing upand like hobbling around in front ofeveryone at the TSA line it was justlike really easy to do so that's it guysthat's my closet clothes a video onthese gorgeous shoes from Saint Laurentagain.

The rock Chelsea boot Iwill link them below if you are a shoe aholic or you enjoy investing your moneyand shoes I really really recommendthese if these are out of your budget Iwill also link below a Sam Edelman pairthat looks really really similar to thisas far as shape goesI just can't attest to like the comf to try totry those on at some point I think thoselook really flattering and really niceso that's it guys that's all I have tosay about these amazing gorgeous boots Ihighly highly highly recommend them Iabsolutely have been just loving themI've been wearing them non-stopand I'm so so happy to finally have agorgeous pair of black ankle boots in myshoe collection I will link all theother closet close-up videos I've donein the description box if you want tocheck them out and I also am going to befollowing up this video with a how tostyle video on how to style black and goboots slash Chelsea boots so keep youreyes out for

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