How to Make SRS Online Employee Information System
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How to Make SRS Online Employee Information System |
How to Make SRS Online Employee Information System
we're going to do an overview of this document called the software requirements specification or the SRSthis is a document that you're going tocreate and then be building on for therest of the semester and the purpose ofthis document is a contract between youand the client that is going to list indetail all of the functionality and allthe expectations of the system that youare proposing so we're going to movethrough it section by section to giveyou some tips and hints and tricks onhow to fill this out so the first thingthat I would say before you even beginthe SRS document is to complete thediscussion assignment called the lardfactor the lard factor is an assignmentthat's supposed to help give you someinsight on how we use words in ourwriting how we can be more detailedclear and concise another thing that Iwould like to suggest is not to write inthe possessive tone and in the SRS don'tsay things like I will or we will you'regoing to say things like the system willand I also don't want you to write in apassive tone so instead of saying thesystem might perhaps maybe kind of Swartoh I want you to say the system will itwill not do XY and Z but it mostdefinitely will do ABC and D I alsodon't want you to use flowery sort ofexaggerated words without some kind of adefinition.
what does huge mean what doesbeginning intermediate and advanced meanbecause if you use exaggerated flowerywords like we're going to bring theclient into the 21st century whateverthey feel that means they're going tohold you to that the last thing that Iwould say is we're going to assume thatthis document is being created for anon-technical audience and so don't usetechnical terms without an explanationof what those terms mean so let's movethrough each one of the individualsections of the SRS if you read thefirst page it indicates to you that thisis and conformance with some I Triple Estandards this is by no means the onlySRS document that you might encounterthroughout your career as a computerscientist a programmer a softwareengineer but this reads thiscontains a lot of the components and theparts that you would find in some kindof a requirements document in bold atthe bottom of this page delete this pagebefore you submit it on the first pageyou're going to give the project a nameyou're going to give it a version numberwho it was prepared by that should beyou and the date the origination datethe second page contains a table ofcontents make sure that these sectiontitles are hyperlinks to the sections inthe document and make sure that the pagenumbers are correct you'll be submittingthis both electronically and in hardcopyand the electronic version should haveaccurate hyperlinks the printed versionshould have accurate page numbers therevision history the very first entry isthe creation date and you'll be addingadditional dates for each revision thatwe make to it each subsequent homeworkassignment for the introduction I wouldrecommend one or two brief paragraphsintroducing the client's business andthe problems that he's having you knowthe ones that your new system is goingto solve and then how your proposedsystem is going to solve those problemsthe purpose and intended audience is thepurpose of this document not the purposeof.
The software project that you'reproposing who is the document beingprepared for and why so you can startwith a wording that's provided in thesecond paragraph of this template theone with a bulleted list that is anexcellent place to start the projectscope focuses on the limitations of thesystem and the area of the business whatit does and what it doesn't do you don'thave to be very detailed here you couldinclude a brief one paragraph summary ofthe scope something like the productwill do XY and Z but it will not do aand B the terms definition and acronymssection is meant to clarify terms thatyou use in this document terms thatmight have an ambiguous meaning rememberthe document is for the client soinclude any terms that non-technicalpeople may not be familiar with you alsowant to alphabetize and bold this listof terms the last item in section 1 arethe references this section lists whereyou got all the information about yourproposed system and its features did youget them fromor discussions or reading the clientdocuments this is not where you'regetting information about say hardwareor software that you want to include butspecifically the information on theproposed system itself if you havedocumentation such as a client documentyou're going to give the name of thosedocuments here and then you're going toinclude the entire contents of thosedocuments in the appendix section solet's move to software you pull a box off theshelf and there's going to be a coupleof paragraphs about how wonderful andfabulous that product is that's whatyou're going to put in the productperspective product features this isalso high level marketing and this isgoing to be a bulleted list of the features.
You might see on the same boxat Best Buy so when you turn the boxaround because the paragraphs kind ofmade you interested now you can see abulleted list of features it will dothis this this this and this the nextsection is user classes andcharacteristics this is a list of whowill be using the system and they'reexpected skill level with technologythis is not a list of the usersfunctionality with the system this istheir skill level and you want to breakthis out by the user groups because wecan expect each user group to have adifferent set of skills once again don'tuse vague subjective terms likeintermediate beginning and advanced todescribe their skill level unless youhave defined what those terms mean twopoint four is the operating environmentthis is how we're under what conditionsthe system is going to be used is itgoing to be used indoors or outdoorswith multiple users or with a singleuser the design and implementationconstraints you want to includeinformation that we need to be aware ofthat might impact the development of thesystem things like access to third-partyvendors or third-party applications inthe dependency dates sectionthree is
Where we're actually going tolist the functionality of the systemitself this we're going to describe thespecific functionality of the systemfrom the clients perspective broken outby each one of the individual usergroups what I want you to do is imaginewhat each user group is going to bedoing within the system there is anexample of functionality for all usersand for managers and owners and formaintenance personnel I would encourageyou to take a look at these examples andbuild upon this remember you have avariety of different user groups soyou're going to want to make sure thatyou fill this out to include all of thefunctionality for all of the differentuser groups this would be an excellentplace where you can use your homeworkgroups is a non-functionalrequirements if you remember when wewere building our system request we weretalking about things that added value tothe businessthere were tangible and intangiblebenefits of the system thesenon-functional requirements could beconsidered the intangible benefits thethings that are going to add value tothe company that are not so muchmeasurable and quantifiable thistemplate mentions the Ferb's you caneither use the verbs or .
You can use the non-functional requirements that arelisted in
our textbook on page 87 and 88the verbs plus refers to functionalityusability
reliability performancesupport ability and the plus is anymiscellaneous items
that are not coveredbefore you can list the non-functionalrequirements using
the Ferb's plus oryou can use the non-functionalrequirements that we discussed
in classand that are listed in your book onpages 87 and 88 these are theoperational
performance securitycultural and political requirements youcan use either one
of these thistemplate has a section 5 and section 6we will be coming back to
these laterfor now homework 3 only requires that wecomplete sections 1 through
4 but thereis one last thing thatwould like to mention which is at thebottom of
your template and that is theappendix make sure that the appendixincludes the
contents of the documentsthat you receive from the client ifthere is any
reference material such asclient documents or discussions or othersort of
things make sure that youinclude the contents of the document notjust a link
another thing you should dois make sure that you include theappendix and the
table of contents it isnot currently there and so you're goingto need to add
the appendix to the tableof contents so hopefully you have a bitmore
information about how to fill outthis document if you have any questionsyou're
more than welcome to ask me and Iwould strongly encourage you tocollaborate
with your homework group tobrainstorm some of the differentsections and the
information that goesin there keep in mind the assignmentthat you did on the
large factor and letme know if you have any questions
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