How To buy R Sneakers | Reddit R sneakers
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How To buy R Sneakers | Reddit R sneakers |
How To buy R Sneakers | Reddit R sneakers
The almost goodish your boy Randy battleanother video and today I'm finallygonna get into why my RC car got deletedI just read about this in my forever 21video but a lot I guess haven't reallyliked look to the whole video or didn'tsee what I said what I said it they'reexactly what happened but I'm gonna gomore in depth in this video and tell youguys why I got deleted which well I'massuming a deleted and also what I'mgoing to do so first things first ifyou're Taurus news reporter then you doknow that back in April I did get myaccount taken away because I had twostrikes and usually when you get onestrike it's like a warning the secondone and take your account away for twoweeks and I got it back after that andthe third one day it will terminate youraccount.
Then you still have a chanceto appeal it so obviously to get tothree strikes I had to go to the twostrikes so I did I'm icon taken away fortwo weeks I got it back and then Iassumed everything was fine because theydidn't put any more strikes or any moreflags on my video whoever but that onMemorial Day which is like a week goalfrom today my account got taken awaybecause I had a third strike on thisother video it was the video of meunboxing fake easy and that leads me toassume that all the strikes that I gotmy account or for promotingthe fake easy which I completely forgotthat I had promoted that brand that sentme the fake the easy on that videoI guess they probably like look to the video.
Because when they do get like aflag or report or anything they doactually look through the whole videothey do like they apparently they reallyinvestigating to it so I guess theyfound that I promoted the brand there Ithought the two videos that I had up ofthe reviews or the only one that I wasmy warning on but I guess not so I guessthe one where I was unboxing the figisdon't like my first video ever Iactually got a flat oh I got reported Idon't know what happened but I got astrike on that one too and now I gotdeleted so after I got that very strikeI immediately looked up what I can doand I said you could appeal it you canappear your termination so I appeal mytermination and there's someone to getback to you within 24 to 48 hours butthe way YouTube is they take foreverthey have not got back to me they helpme with like very few problems andthey're like really minor problems likethis is a big problem and they're nottaking it serious it's like I don't feelyou're taking it serious I just feellike YouTube should handle this in a way in a better manner and they should tellyou exactly what's wrong with your videobecause the way it works now I thinkit's just they put it to like a systemand that system decides whether yourvideo deserves strikes or not it's notan actual person look at them.
I think the actual person :
only comes in when youappeal it that's when they actuallylooked at the videosall that so maybe they're going throughall the videos right now and Cienagetting a feel determination and ifthat's the case then I'll be patient I'mpatiently waiting regardless like Istill have not gotten decision whethermy account my appeal was like declineger accepted and if it's accepted andthat be the greatest thing ever becauseour sneakers meant so much to me it'sbeen up for a year already and thechannel grew there was a point where itblew up and I start taking it seriouslyI even went I took my own money to flyout to California to meet you guys I goto sneak on also meet where I knowthey're like not whoever I know I meanlike whoever knows me there and that wasa that was a great trip for me I didn'tgo just for sneaker con so I just showedyou guys how serious I take my oursneakers channel the fact I even pullout my own money nobody pay for me to goover to California and meet you guys sonow all I have to do is just wait for adecision there's nothing else I canreally do so what I'm doing right now asyou guys saw my channel I put a bunch ofour sneakers videos up all on thischannel I put a lot of them up I look atthem just because I wanted you guys tohave the content and be able to see justjust have the content there because thefact that it's gone you guys don't havethe content to go back to you guys don'tknow how to get like I have importantvideos like.
How to get any sneaker for retail you:
have videos like how to legitcheck some easy and also I still in akit look uploading them and by doingthis I know I lost like about 400subscribers to 500 subscribers which isa lot that's like I worked for thosesubscribers and I lost them I knowuploading all those videos is annoyingso you don't get to see your otheryoutubers videos that's why I uploadedthem at a really weird time I'll blow tothem like around like 12:00 or 1:00 inthe morning so you guys it doesn'treally bother most to you but then I sawthat I was Lee's subscribers and I waslike damn well let me just stop on thatand now what I'm going to do is I'mgoing to upload to our sneakers videos aday until like I uploaded all them tothe date to the last one which I thinkwas the green V green v2 like I spokeabout the shoe someone is going to betwo a day for the rest of this month andby the end of this month all the videosshould be uploaded and after that thatwon't be anymore our sneakers videos onthis channel it's going to be straightpranks advice challenges and blogs andall other stuff that has nothing to dowith sneakers don't get me wrongevery day I'm still going to be postingsomething like this I'm going to behosting regular videos that in regardsto pranks challenges advice and all thatother stuff that being said if you'reone of those 400 subscribers I justdescribed.
I mean you guys:
just unsubscribe because of all the videos Iuploadedplease describe me back I mean I don'treally
I don'tdo that anything another thing that wasin effect it was gonna affect you
guysthat much and I know how I got annoyingbut I do apologize for that so you
guyscan forgive me and subscribe back to achannel that mean a lot and I promise
itwon't sound like that ever again like Isaid I'm only gonna do we're going to
bethree videos per day two of them beingsneaker videos for the rest of thismonth
but there's still going to be likethis regular content underfoot up so Ijust
hope you guys stick with me if yougot didn't deliver video be sure to geta
thumbs up also me to describe like Isaid an almost a covers bag and I needmore
I guess they're not gonna blow upwe're gonna make this one of the bestchannels
out there Ilet's keep driving and like assure you
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