Top 5 Ways To Buy A Used Dsw Near Me
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Top 5 Ways To Buy A Used Dsw Near Me |
Top 5 Ways To Buy A Used Dsw Near Me
I am in DSW right here wehave dr. Scholl's for $60 and now my momdoes wear a pair like this for work onthe weekend when she's out shoppingbecause you know dr. Scholl'stheir soft Italian shoemaker $45 now Ialways see this one in Ross right I'malways finding this one in Ross okayforty-five fifty same brand and lookmore Italian shoemaker for 45 verycolorful Marc Fisher is going to be $70and they do offer in your black $70 wedo have a rolls gold Italian shoemakeragain 45 and look at that one$78 Marc Fisher now Marc Fisher isshowing up in t.j.maxx you just have tolook and it will be much cheaperI am pio or info $40 I always see thehandbag and Ross and I have like abronze color Clark okay that one isgoing to be 80 and they do have it in atan Brown my man Franco is 60 did youhave it in the black[Music]Jessica for $60 look at that yellow andthey do have it like in the beige nude16 and Steve Madden Hill 60 you couldfind that in bras Vince Camuto is goingto be 80 and you can always find that inMarshall's and TJ Maxx and they do havelike it in orange more Jessica for 70 Ihaven't seen that one$70 again.
Jessica and they have a SteveMadden over here with the clear strapand toe strap that one is gonna be 60animal style for $40 more Steve Maddenand that one is gonna be 70 and if youhave a clear Dolce Vita and that one isgonna be 80 they do have a Marc Fisherand 470 again hot pink Steve Madden $70Calvin Klein $70 you can find this inBurlington and then ATLA for always inRoss always been t.j.maxxa $60 six steals are here and they dohave it in yellow and black vince camutowe've seen this one at Dillard's $80 andthey have a suede black Naturalizer nowI just came from Nordstrom Rack and theydid have some sandals like this there isgoing to be $60 here look at that MarcFisher look at that beauty buckle on theankle strap studying Chinese Laundry $50now you can find Chinese Laundry andRoss the liquor and bond okay doublebuckle right here at the ankle $60 theyhave it in black it is suede and theyhave it like in that orangeMaddon girl 450 although is going to be$60 mixed number six uh-huh this one isgoing to be $50 look at the heel it isclear now they do have shoes like thisin forever 21 but they do break a veryeasy mix number six again okay more of alower heel and that one is going to be55well chavita is gonna be 70 now becareful and be on the lookout Ross isstarting to carry Dolce okayand they do have like a lighter beigemark this shirt look at that one it isgoing to be $70.
They do have it inyour black and I see a rose gold againwith the Italian shoemakers okay Rosswith the an ideal place to buy them theyalways have it in Ross for like $30 ormaybe a little under Steve Madden isgonna be 64 that one Tom's really Ididn't know Tom made like a wedge $60more Steve Madden they have it in blackand the brown for 60 below fish is goingto be 50 more Franco I am like in thisstyle for $60 and they do have it inblack but I kind of want to find onewith just a black sole all black brandright there I can't pronounce that $45very summery and again Steve Madden $45I am like in this brand and they do haveit in black kind of reminds me of SteveMadden ish and Franco basic black SteveMadden white and black are 50 you canfind this right now in Target and youknow might as well check t.j.maxx SteveMadden that is going to be 50 I am kindof like in there[Music]look at this Tommy I love it why I haveno idea why I know might be ugly but $50I hate like a Tommy snob okay and theonly reason why is because it takes meback to junior high days you know thegood times I like this one a lot everysweater yeah I even had a pair of TommyHilfiger overallsit said told me on this strap it wasright and you know when you or cousinsor family try to borrow your stuff theyjacket they give it to their friends andyou don't get a bet all right let'scheck out the men shoes okay men andwomen could wear in here size down soI'm a size 9 I would get a size 7 sevenand a half and the men $60 right herebands they do have it in the black I didon a pair of these but they broke righthere I don't know what happened I missthem55 high tops are going to be $65 basicblack 60 and look at this one do youhave it in a black okay and you knowwhat.
I do want to get a pair like thisthey're gonna be $60 you know what evenconverse are 60 here okay high top 55for that one a six are 65 now you knowthey're kind of ugly for a running shoebut they get the job done and yes youcan sometimes find it up in Burlingtonbut my Burlington has more women shoesthan the men you would have to go to adifferent one 65 you got the blue andthe black and then that neon green onePuma is going to be 65 60 dollars forthis Puma I do like something like thisbut I don't like the texture on top bythe toe it's gonna be 16 and thenthese are going to be $65[Music]everything over here is gonna be like awork dress shoethey made some range from 75 to 90 nowI'm gonna head to the women uh shoes $60Steve Madden target does have a dupe ofthese $35 on for the Steve Madden andMarshalls right now 60 here Burlingtonyou can find this for thirty five sixtyhere and look right here the SteveMadden and you like this for fiftyReebok is gonna be 45 we have your whitewhite Puma 455 I amI liken that a lot I haven't seen thewhite one and Burlington or MarshallsI've been finding a lot of red and pinkthough $60 Puma and over here we have inbingo Road right in biggle Road andbingo $30 help me out here you knowalthough okay 60 they do have a veryglam one if you're into that and look atthis white one in the back guess for $5070 we do have it in gold and we do haveTom's for $50 look at these funkySkechers they're gonna be 50 look at thebottom kind of weird I've never seenthat $50 right here I had a pair of thisback in the day so crazy it so crazy tome it makes me feel so oldthey have it in black - 450.
I found aTommy for $50 okay I haven't seen thisone but I do like that one but righthere all the time up in Ross Burlingtonyeah they have that always in Ross okay50 here cheaper at Ross all roxies aregoing to be $45you know what I could never really getinto that I don't know why I just feltit does look a little too weird for me Idon't know maybe like a beach shoe butyou know I don't even send you oranything I'm an Arizona we got the sandand the cactus and rocks but you knowpeople like them some are gonna be 50dr. Scholl's are going to be 50 and muchcheaper and teaching max they do havethe tan and that blue one advance our 50here you got that piece the height up is65 and that yellow is going to be 60look at the green I love the green $60right here and it is suede at the toetip in the back he'll be $5 againMarvins and now at Nordstrom Rack theyhad the jelly ones of this I want thejelly ones I can't find it because atNordstrom Rack it was only $30 andonline you know they're like 70 I meanmy gosh and they do have to pack one andlike that mint green oh my gosh tiny kidfeet 427 and you know they have plentyof kids shoes here price range up to $50okay I know it is crazy right childrenaren't expensive my gosh.
when they startschool it costs more money look
at that$30 well that one is really cute tooadidas is $60 but I do like this
oneright here okay I like it 60take 20% off right here you can findthat in
Marshall's again Marshall who's$55 hear 55 65 and I do have it in blackwhat
else you know what I didn't reallysee much Puma here and the Chinese shoesthis
one is 16 and look at that 160 I dolike that black and white $65 for theFila
and we have New Balance here for 60and bags I already did a video samestuff and
that thing has changed yeaheverything looks the samelots of crossbody use that
in the backis where you're gonna find more of aclearance so purple with a 20%
off redis 30 blue is 40 like that green is 50and yellow is 60 so you just have
tolook oh look right here Steve Maddenokay I am like in that one Jessica
andthis one will only be 20% off pay Swissbut that is it you guys I'm gonna
goahead and end the video here we lookedat pretty much everything except
reallyfor the clearance area thank you so muchfor watching I hope all of you
have agreat day or night please stay safe andI will see you next timeEnglish
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