7 Ways To improve Your Sennheiser Headphones Better

7 Ways To improve Your Sennheiser Headphones Better
7 Ways To improve Your Sennheiser Headphones Better

 7 Ways To improve Your Sennheiser Headphones Better

So these are the new Sennheiser GREAT, they’re Sennheiser’s newest pair of entry-level audiophile open-back headphones that should be able to please any audiophile out there…or if you're an . These headphones deliver accurate sound, they have the great build quality, and they fit very well after they’ve been broken in. Now when it comes to price the GREAT’s retail for $200. Now just for comparison sake the super popular Massdrop Sennheiser retail for $220 and the Sennheiser. 

Now the most important difference between Massdrop’s headphones and the 560s is their impedance, the ’s have an impedance of 300 ohms whereas theGREAT’s have an impedance of 120 ohms. So you’re not necessarily going to need AMP to drive these headphones like you do with the ’s. And again for comparison sake the ’s have an impedance of 150 ohms. But you are going to get a lot more out of the GREAT’s if you use them with an AMP. Regardless if you want to pick these headphones up they’ll be linked down below. Now first off let's talk about what comes in the box. 

These headphones come included with a detachable 3 meter long cable. You’ve got a 2.5-millimeter plug on one end that goes into the headphones themselves and on the other end we’ve got a 6.3-millimeter lug. But these headphones also come included a 3.5 millimeter adopter so you can stilluse this cable to plug in directly into your computer or what ever audio source you’llmight have.Now when it comes to the headphones themselves… build quality wise there are no complaints.Now these headphones have a mostly smooth plastic body construction. nice given that these headphones mostly plastic. And when it comes to the padding on these headphones, there’s very lush velour padding on both the headband and ear pads. 

But if you need to you can always just easily remove these ear pads and snap on another pair.Now regarding comfort, you can easily wear these headphones for hours on end without any problems but they do require a break in period. In general yes these headphones arebig head approved but when you first get these headphones you do want to give them a few good stretches. But besides that, weight wise these headphones weigh in at 240 grams so these are a pair of headphones that you do forget that you have on after while. And whenit comes to their padding.

since the padding on their headband is very plush this headband doesn't create a hot spot on the top of you head. And when it comes to the ear pads these headphones… they’re huge.  So you’re not 7 Ways To improve Your Sennheiser Headphones Better necessarily going to need to use an amp with these headphones.These just plug and play.And if you were to just plug these headphones in directly into your computer these headphones are going get decently loud but I do feel that they are going to leave you wanting more.So even though you don’t have to use .

an AMP.Now just as you’d expect these headphones have a very flat and neutral sound signature them. Now the bass on these headphones is purely audible but if you were to go your amp or EQ settings and up the bass on these headphones then they are going to give youa little bit of a physical kick, but not too much.Now when it comes to the mids and highs those are extremely crisp and they don’t get distorted at higher volumes even if you’re using these headphones with an AMP and you’ve got these headphones cranked up super loud. And finally, when it comes to the soundstage and instrument separation these headphones do a really good job of engulfing you in your music.  enjoys the finer details in your music or cause you’re looking for that wide soundstage to get engulfed by your music, or if you’re a producer on a budget then the  7 Ways To improve Your Sennheiser Headphones Better Sennheiser GREAT is a solid option. Fabricate quality shrewd despite the fact that these earphones have a generally smooth plastic body they're as yet strong yet more critically since these earphones have extravagant velour cushioning they feel great when you’ve got them on. The only thing to keep in mind is that yes these headphones do need a breakin period. But after that you can easily wear the GREAT’s for hours on end. you use them with an amp. 

Now just as you expect from reference-grade headphones… the GREAT’s have aflat sound signature to them with very crisp mids and highs that don’t distort at higher volumes… and the bass on these headphones its mostly on the audible side. Don’t expect to much of a kick from these headphones. But all the more significantly the wide solid stage and instrument division on these earphones will get you completely immersed in your music.

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